Of all the surprising A-cero home designs we’ve seen, this is probably the most elegant. Envisioned as a giant work of art, this residence belongs to Spanish architect Joaquin Torres and has a breathtaking appearance. The project is located in La Finca, a residential area near Madrid, Spain and consists of winding, overlapping volumes of concrete having various heights, with water playing a key role: “The land is surrounded by lakes and I wanted the house to be natural extension of them“, stated architect Joachin Torres. The interiors are bright, with a structured distribution on three levels. The entrance brings together the common areas, which lead to a large hall. At this level there is also the master bedroom with dressing room, bathroom, gym and indoor pool. The other rooms are located in the basement, and the third floor is occupied by a living room with study corner leading to a gallery-library. All the rooms are decorated with items designed by A-cero, alternating with classic designs, antiques and works of art. Enjoy the photos!
Egy újjabb fantasztikus minimalista műremek az A-cero-tól .Madridtól nem messze La Finca városába álmodta meg Joachin Torres és építész irodája ezt a grandiózus, három szintes családi villát amely egyedi az A- ceróra oly jellemző formavilágával , még számomra is megdöbbentő egyedi belsőépítészeti elemeivel és textúráival , letisztult belső enteriőrével szolgálj ki maximálisan a ház tulajdonosait.Személyes kedvencem egyébként a gyerekszoba.....érdemes megnézni...!!