This modern apartment has been designed by WORKac and is located in New York, USA. The 6,000 sqf White Street Loft apartment encompasses a full ground floor, half a basement and one third of a sub-basement. The client, a family of four, love to entertain, and for more than four years WORKac collaborated with the family to create a new space for urban living that embraces diversity of materials and spaces, kinetic interventions to transform spaces and a highly developed sense of whimsy and the unexpected.The classic New York minimalist loft was considered too constraining and inflexible. The concept therefore was to divide the space into a series of programmatic “stripes” to accommodate different functions, moods and materials and break down the length of the apartment into a promenade of experiences, from most public at the front to most private in the back. This is combined with a shifting of the rear floors to allow for three full-height levels.The stripes consist of: the Living Room at the front of the apartment, with white resin floors and a loft-lke minimalist feel; the bamboo Shaker Box which has built-in storage and Japanese-style tables set in the floor – it can double as a stage or dance floor; the Kitchen/Dining room with plum-colored concrete floors and walls and a more formal arrangement of a table for 12 to 16 and an enormous kitchen; the Media Room where curved felt-covered walls, floor and ceiling provide a comfy nook for hanging out – a kids-only sleeping loft above provides space for sleep-overs.

Példaértékű ahogy ehhez a klasszikus New York-i Lofthoz hozzányult majd átalíkította az ugyancsak NY-i tervezőcsapat a WORKac. A Minimalista stílusjegyeket felvonultató lakást egy nágytagú család rendelte meg a tervezőktől, akiknek fontos a belvárosi multszázadi hangulat, viszont korunk kortárs design-ja áll közel hozzájuk a belsőépítészet tekintetében. Mindenképp inspiráló lehet ez a fantasztikus ötletekkel átszőtt, egyáltalán nem unalmas loft kialakítás, mindenki számára aki régi épületfelújításon töri a fejét.
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