It seems as though a wooden boat washed up on shore amidst a neighborhood of typical Aussie beach houses just south of Melbourne on the Mornington Peninsula. From the street the house’s irregular form reveals nothing of what unfolds once within the property. At a closer look, the façade consists solely of a mailbox. According to the design team at McBride Charles Ryan, the house is certainly not an obstruction built within the community. Instead, it’s modest irregularity opens up into an impressive four-bedroom beach verandah. According to the design team at McBride Charles Ryan the openness of a holiday house in a beach community renders the front door arbitrary. You stop in for the weekend – your mates stop over for a Sunday afternoon drink.
It’s like a half space, half enclosed, half open. Neither in nor out – a new version of the good old Aussie verandah.

Az Ausztrál tengerparton Melbourne-től nem messze a Mornington félszigeten épült fel ,Charles Ryan tervei alapján ez a nem kimondott tengerparti nyaraló design tükröző Villa.A ház maga olyan mint egy fával burkolt partra vetett hal. az utca felé szinte semmit sem mutatva a telek belseje felé haladva fedi fel nem mindennapi exteriőrét, különleges és megdöbbentő tervezői merészségek garmadát.
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