2010. október 8., péntek

Modern Palabritas Beach house in Lima ,Peru by Jose Orrego

Palabritas Beach House, recently completed by Peruvian firm Architect Jose Orrego, is a contemporary and stylish house designed to capture the view situated on the coast of Lima, Peru.The house is located on the first row of lots and was designed so that the architecture acted like a frame to the view of the beach and the islands that are found in front of the house.
The esthetic of the house celebrates the summer with modern curves that remind us of the Brazilian architecture of the sixties.
The whole house has a white finish with color accents in red, in both main elements such as the swimming pool as well as furnishings. The house reminds us of competitive elements used in Stanley Kubrick films, with the white curved elements contrasted with details in red.
The exterior was designed as a white elevated box, exposed from its front side. One of the sides has a concrete lattice based on a contemporary composition with perforations that allow the interior to have a transparency without losing its intimacy.
  A hatvanas évek tengerparti villa építészetére hajazó minimalista Villát tervezett Limába  Jose Orrego Perui építész és tervező irodája. A színei a fehér és a piros elég egyedi hangulatot kölcsönöz az architektúrának. Érdekes árnyékoló rendszerei és térelválasztói pedig igazi kortárs kompozíciók amelyek lehetővé teszik a belső tér átláthatóságát és szellősségét anélkül hogy elvesztené intimitását.

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