2010. október 6., szerda

Beauty Minimalist Beton E-House in Tel Aviv from Axelrod Design

Axelrod Design has designed the eHouse which  is located in Tel Aviv. The beauty of the eHouse is the marriage of livability and minimalist/Mediterranean design sense.
eHouse is a single family house that was inhabited in 2008 and borrows from two traditions in architecture – a Mediterranean aesthetic of sun and light and a minimalist discipline of line and plane.
The design exhibits a masterful use of that most modern of materials, concrete. The core of the house, both conceptually and structurally, is several vertical and horizontal planes. Conceptually, the vertical planes define the axes of the house and the horizontal planes the spatial volume. Structurally, the concrete elements support every other architectural surface, predominantly glass and drywall.
The extensive use of glass allows that most Mediterranean element, sunlight, to permeate into every room. Whether, direct, indirect, or filtered, light fills this house. Many smaller glazed areas reveal hidden views of exterior garden. A large 46ft expanse of glass floods the main living/dining/kitchen area with daylight. The entire 46ft window system can even be rolled back to create one super room of indoor and outdoor space.

   Az Axelrod építész iroda nevéhez fűződik ez a modern, minimalista de még is mediterrán elemeket is felvonultató ház , amelyet Tel Avivba terveztek és építettek fel. A ház nagyon szép példája annak hogyan tud együtt dolgozni a nyers beton felület ,a meleg hatású fa homlokzatburkolatokkal , az óriási üvegfelületekkel.De még is úgy gondolom hogy a villa leginkább a betonról szól és annak mindennemű felhasználásáról a padlótól a konyhapultig.

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