2011. május 4., szerda

Modern Apartement Interior in Montreal ,Design by Naturehumaine - Modern lakás enteriőr Montreálból

Such a careful plan for the architects to renovate this small house into a dream house of a family owning it. However, that hard work results in breathtaking final result by developing unconventional idea, like compressing the space. The architects find compressing space the best solution for enlarging this 800 square feet bungalow in Montreal Canada for they meet some constraints from the Municipality enforced laws and the pathetic condition of house’s foundation. Compressing space in The St-Hubert Residence seems successful to achieve the effect of wider room so that room has dual functions. The kitchen seems long enough to unite with a dining table where the whole family can eat together. The white painted wall increases its wide effect as well as simple furniture. The stunning idea of the architects is adding double height dining room and giving more luminous lamps with glamorous effect on the house. The architects’ revolutionary idea in improving the house achieves the impact of simple and modest which simultaneously generates the image of a house with brightness and openness in space. Design by naturehumaine.

Nagyon kedves kis modern lakás átalakításra akadtunk Montreálban ,amelynek tervezője az ugyancsak Montreáli érdekeltségű tervező csapat a Naturehumaine volt. A szerény kis 80 m2 alapterületű ház ,megdöbbentően extravagáns belső design-t kapott se híre se hamva a roskadozó házacskának amelynek még az alapozását is meg kellett erősíteni. A ház belsejét tekintve a fehérre festett falfelületek mellett , rengeteg fa használatával mint a konyha térben, mint pedig a nappaliban, otthonos és elegáns modern enteriőrt varázsoltak a tervezők.

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