2011. március 9., szerda

The Real Minimalist Beton Residence in Argentina by BAK Architects - Modern minimalista beton villa építészet Argentínából

Do you love this dream home because it is clearly absolutely amazing, or because it is located in the forest of Mar Azul, in the Argentinean province of Buenos Aires?  Toss up, and most likely a little of both.  BAK Architects nestled this design so sweetly into its surroundings and produced a very thoughtful response.The team’s concrete creation is well suited for the coastal forest environment – as the soft, sandy, pine-needled landscape makes for a subtle contrast to the stone-colored concrete.  Like BAK’s other homes, the JD House was constructed to preserve the nature around it.  The trees on this home’s plot remain intact, several of which extend directly through the structure of the JD House.  The result is an immersion into Mar Azur’s stunning setting that would be far out of reach for a traditionally designed and constructed home.Inside this massive single family villa, is a home that is spacious, airy and angular, with a tiered layout that rises to create varied living spaces.  Although the requirement was about two bedrooms and their respective bathrooms, the social area needed to be large enough with the possibility of being adapted to different uses as they frequently receive many friends.  The program was resolved by crossing two prisms perpendicularly and allowing the structural elements to shine as design highlights.
Nagyon veszett modern minimalista beton ház koncepciót találtunk Argentínában nem messze Buenos Aires-től. Elkövetője az Argentin tervező iroda a BAK Architects. A ház kicsit sem mondható otthonosnak viszont formavilágában ill. technológiájábanis  izgalmas konstrukció , óriási teret nyújtva a beton építészet által adott lehetőségeknek. A nyersbeton csiszolt felületek orgiáját figyelhetjük meg a házon és nem csak az exteriőr tekintetében ,hanem az enteriőr is beáll a sorba ugyanis a kádtól a lépcsőig szinte minden beépített mobilia betonból készült kiegészitve faburkolatokkal és óriási üvegfelületekkel.

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